Our vision is to nurture our community enabling all to grow through our Christian values. We inspire everyone to be resilient, confident and courageous whilst developing a lasting love of learning.
'Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.' Philippians 4:13
Our school’s vision and its associated values are grounded in a clear theology firmly rooted in a Christian narrative. Our vision is underpinned by our core Christian values. Our values are rooted in biblical teaching and are shared with every member of our school community. Each of us will interpret the words differently but we have developed a definition for staff, parents, governors and children to help explore the meaning of our values at Ibstone. Our vision is lived out through our values. Our values are the tools we use to live out our vision.
These biblical roots are woven throughout our collective worship provision and planning.
We have a range of Bible stories to illustrate our values. These are taken from both the Old and New Testaments and ensure that the teachings of Jesus are explored alongside each value.
Our school is a Church school for everyone and not a faith school for the faithful. You do not need to be a Christian or of any faith to attend this school. Please read our Admissions Policy for further details on admissions to the school. Everyone is welcome at Ibstone!
Ibstone is a Voluntary Aided (VA) Church of England Primary School. A voluntary aided school is a state-funded school in which a foundation or trust (usually a Christian denomination) has substantial influence in the running of the school. Ibstone’s Trust Deed dates from 1852 and included an indenture from the Allnutt and Baker Trust Charity dating from 1742. The school was, ‘opened to all poor persons resident in the parish, of all religions. No child shall be required to learn any catechism or attended Sunday School or place of worship to which his parents or guardians might object’.
Our vision was created by the whole school community. Ibstone has always had a set of values and these have been developed to create our vision and supporting set of values. Children, staff, governors, parents and partners from St Nicholas’ Church and Oxford Diocese were part of the process in agreeing our vision statement and the resources that support this. As a result, our vision is a common, shared aspiration for us all.
Bible stories illustrate our values effectively. In addition to these biblical roots we have a range of stories from other faiths, fables and picture books to support pupils and adults in understanding our Christian values and vision.
You will find more information in our British Values Statement. |