Our Forest School

Welcome to our Forest School page, we are very proud to offer weekly Forest School sessions for all year groups across the whole academic year. 

At Ibstone CE Primary School we recognise that learning that takes place out of the classroom is a valuable tool for all our pupils’ education if conducted within a safe and healthy environment.

We believe that all pupils should be able to experience the world beyond the classroom safely, whatever their age, ability, aptitude and circumstances. Here at Ibstone, we have a superb outdoor environment which allows us to do this.

We also have many fantastic outdoor spaces for learning both locally and in the wider community – many within walking distance of the school! As part of our curriculum we are committed to ensuring that all children have meaningful, frequent, continuous and progressive access to weekly Forest School activities.

We encourage our children:

*   To explore outside
*   To take informed risks
*   To ask and answer questions of both the built and natural world
*   To love and respect all things
*   To nurture our environment
*   To be inspired, marvelling at the awe and wonder of the natural world
*   To grow through our shared language and understanding of spirituality


 8T6A3790  8T6A3807



Ibstone Church of England Primary School
Ibstone, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 3XZ
01491 638281