Remote Education Provision - Information for Parents
Please take a moment to read our Information for Parents document.
Our remote learning offering is provided via Google Classroom. Below you will find some handy help sheets:
Help Sheets:
How to access your Google Classroom Account
How to upload photos to Google Classroom - iPad version
How to upload photos to Google Classroom - PC version
There will be daily Zoom sessions for all children across the school. Our provision for each class is outlined below:
EYFS Provision
The children will have a literacy and mathematical based activity to complete each day via Google Classroom. There will be a list of afternoon activities to be completed across the course of the week. This will be set on Google Classroom on a Monday.
Zoom timetable for Ladybirds - these are our live lessons:
Key Stage 1:
All children in Key Stage 1 will be set English and Mathematics activities daily. They will also be set Science, Art, Topic and Design Technology across the week in the afternoons. This work will be set on Google Classroom. All KS1 children will have Music and PE sessions via Zoom. The children are split into two groups, parents have been emailed group information.
Zoom timetables for Woodland Class groups - these are our live lessons:
Key Stage 2:
All children in Key Stage 2 will be set English and Mathematics tasks daily. They will also be set Science, Art, Topic, RE, Computing, MFL and Design Technology across the week in the afternoons. This work will be set on Google Classroom. All KS2 children will have Music and PE sessions via Zoom. In Kestrel Class, the children are split into three groups. Osprey Class have been split into two groups. All parents have been emailed group information and full timetables for their child's group.
Zoom timetables for Kestrel Class groups - these are our live lessons:
Zoom timetables for Osprey Class groups - these are our live lessons: