Our Governing Body is made up of up to 12 governors at any one time, to include the Headteacher and the vicar ex-officio, one elected by staff, two elected by parents, one appointed by the Local Authority and a further six Foundation governors (appointed by Ibstone DCC or ODBE). With the exception of the ex-officio appointments, each governor’s term of office runs for 4 years. We may also be supported by Associate Members, appointed by the Governing Body to a particular committee or working group. Governors can be contacted by letter or email via the school office.
Our full Governing Body meets together formally nine times a year. In addition to this, we have the following committees:
* Admissions
* Headteacher Appraisal
* Pay Review
Below you will find a list of the Governors and their roles within the school.
If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors you can do this via the school office - 01491 638281 or office@ibstone.bucks.sch.uk
Governors’ details and the Register of Interests