Our Governors

Our Governing Body is made up of up to 12 governors at any one time, to include the Headteacher and the vicar ex-officio, one elected by staff, two elected by parents, one appointed by the Local Authority and a further six Foundation governors (appointed by Ibstone DCC or ODBE). With the exception of the ex-officio appointments, each governor’s term of office runs for 4 years. We may also be supported by Associate Members, appointed by the Governing Body to a particular committee or working group. Governors can be contacted by letter or email via the school office.

Our full Governing Body meets together formally nine times a year. In addition to this, we have the following committees:

* Admissions
* Headteacher Appraisal
* Pay Review      


Below you will find a list of the Governors and their roles within the school.

If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors you can do this via the school office - 01491 638281 or office@ibstone.bucks.sch.uk


Ibstone CE Primary School Governing Body

Governors’ details and the Register of Interests

gov 24

gov 23



Previous Governors

govs past















View governors area

Ibstone Church of England Primary School
Ibstone, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 3XZ
01491 638281