Ibstone Church of England Primary School Equality Objectives
The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation from 1st October 2010 and streamlines the various legislations into a single equality Duty.
These objectives uphold the school’s core Christian vision and values.
The Governing Body of Ibstone CE Primary School is publishing information to show how they are complying with the Equality Duty. The Equality Duty requires all schools to publish Equality Objectives every four years.
Ibstone CE Primary School’s Equality Objectives
1. To promote role models and heroes that young people positively identify with, who reflect and broaden the school’s increasing diversity in terms of race, gender, and disability.
2. To increase pupil awareness and understanding of how difference communities, religious and cultural backgrounds beyond the school live locally, nationally, and worldwide.
These objectives will be monitored by the Head Teacher and Governing Body annually and renewed as required, at least every four years. (September 2025)